Thursday, December 31, 2009

Update Your Blog on the Go

In her latest post "7 Ways to Get More From Social Media in 2010", blogger Lisa Barone states that you must make time for social media and plan for it in order for it to be effective. However, many SMB owners and managers are too busy running with the day-to-day activities of their business to find the time to update their blog.

Let us lend you a hand. Use our IdeaScribe service to update your blog on the go. By simply dialing in and recording your thoughts, ideas, rants or praises onto our dictation servers, we can supply you with a written transcript in MS Word .doc format sent back to your email when you need it most. IdeaScribe is ideal for the busy businessperson on the go; whether sitting in traffic, traveling to a convention, or multitasking, you can now use our technology to keep your social media projects up-to-date. Try IdeaScribe and let us know what you think.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No Hidden Surprises with our Transcription Service

Recently, one of my computers was infected with a virus. What was most surprising, even shocking, was that this computer had an up-to-date anti-virus program by one of the larger manufacturers. However, this program did absolutely nothing to stop the advance of the well-known "Anti-Virus System Pro Software" virus, which has been floating around for many months and produces scads of pop-ups with various distasteful windows and prompts one to buy their software. Not only did this anti-virus software from this company (Company 1) not have a recovery CD available to try and thwart the virus, but their customer support line urged that you purchase additional services to the tune of $79.95 to have their technicians actively cleanse your computer and rid it of the virus.

Enter another large manufacturer of anti-virus software, Company 2. For a little more than one-half the charge of Company 1's technical services, you could buy a 3-PC subscription CD at your local Sam's Club. After a very brief internet search on the virus and the download of a tool that kept the virus at bay, Company 2's software loaded up quickly, renewed its anti-virus definitions, and tackled the virus quickly and decisively. All for the price of the original software purchased. Company 2's software performed as promised, at the price promised, with no hidden charges.

We at TTE offer you the same peace of mind as that of the second software mentioned above. You will always know what you are being charged for your transcription in advance and we do our very utmost to deliver the finished product to your Inbox within the turnaround time we promised. Just like Company 2, our company is built on consistency, quality and dependability at a price that is competitive, all with no hidden surprises.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Parents: Kids and the Swine Flu, Your Job Need Not Suffer Too

According to a recent AP article on swine flu school closings, more than 187 school dismissals have been related to the H1N1 swine flu, affecting almost 80,000 students. 80,000 students staying home means many parents having to stay at home from work. Staying home from work might mean missing that critical meeting or sales call.

Alas, all is not lost: with a plethora of technologies like web meetings and phone conferencing available to you, now you can keep those meetings on your schedule and stay on top of your job. And to make things even easier for you, do not worry about taking notes during your meeting. Just send the recorded audio to TTE and we will have a professional, publication-ready transcript in MS Word format sent directly to your in-box. You can then cut and paste the information to your heart's desire and put it in a report that will keep your boss happy, while retaining the original transcript in your records.

So, relax and stay home with your kids and don't let the swine flu get the best of you, or your job. Use technology to your benefit by conferencing in your meeting participants and having the audio transcribed by TTE.

(image credit:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

TTE Transcription and Wendy's Double Stack: Great Values

You may be thinking to yourself right now, "Self, what does this burger have to do with transcription and translation?"
The answer is: directly, nothing.

However, this burger, which happens to be a Wendy's (r) Double Stack, is a great value. You can buy this burger as shown for 99 cents in most markets. But the REAL value is in knowing that you can also add mayo, lettuce and tomato for free. So, for just under a dollar, you get a lot of burger. Now that is a great value.

We at TTE Transcripts are all about value, too. We love giving our customers many ways that they can save money while still getting the most service for their buck.

Did you know that we can save you an average of 40 percent off the cost of transcription offered by conferencing companies? By making us one of your attendees at your next conference, we can record the entire audio directly onto our dictation servers and provide you with an expertly transcribed and highly accurate written record of what was said at your meeting. This works even for web meetings powered by WebEx and GoToMeeting.

"But why buy a transcript at all?" you might ask. Well, here is where the real value comes in. By having a highly accurate written record of your meeting, seminar, interview or deposition, you will always have the information at hand to ensure that there are no costly misunderstandings that might trouble you down the road. (By the way, did I mention that our accuracy rate is 99.5%, the best in the industry?)

So, the next time you are looking for real value, get your hamburgers from Wendy's (r) and get your transcription from us here at TTE Transcripts. Both will leave you feeling satisfied that you got the most bang for your buck.

(Wendy's is a registered trademark Oldemark LLC.)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Transcription: Making Neat Piles of Snow

Tom Freese, the best-selling author of "Secrets of Question Based Selling", makes a profound statement in his latest book, "Selling Yourself in Today's Competitive Marketplace":

We have essentially been ‘snow-globed.’ We’ve been turned upside down and shaken to the point where the tranquil scenes of our daily existence have been shrouded by a flurry of uncertainty that has suddenly clouded our view, and little pieces of reality now seem to be raining down in all directions.

What Tom is referring to is the state of our economy, which has put the business world in a tailspin and is affecting each and every one of us daily. It is driving each one of us to look at our jobs in a new light, putting our creative energy to use and taking the initiative to innovate in our respective fields and to streamline operations.

One of the ways many companies are choosing to streamline these days is to cut back on corporate travel and to hold meetings via conference calls and collaboration calls either over the telephone or on the web. While this presents a great cost savings over travel, it can inundate us with more information, creating even more flurries of snow flakes to cloud our view.

Keep the snow flakes in neat piles by transcribing your online events and conference calls. Just be sure to record your call and then send us the audio file. Or, make us one of the attendees and you can record the call directly to our servers. We will return a neatly typed transcript to your in-box so that you can track all of the details of what was said and keep the piles of your business neatly organized.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dictate Life-Changing Moments

Last weekend, I was over at my friend's house to celebrate her son's second birthday. Besides the little boy, she also has two girls, one being a one-month old newborn. I sat there watching the children running around and playing and the newborn sleeping in someone's arms. I am expecting my first child this winter. I got to thinking about the baby books that we have the best intention of keeping to record those precious moments. With all the chaos going on around me, I would be shocked if my friend told me she was able to record all those moments into baby books, especially having to record two books at the same time.

As new parents, we always have the best intentions to record those important life-changing moments. However, being able to sit down and remember to write down these moments is not always the easiest thing to do, especially with a newborn baby in tow. Instead of attempting to write these moments down, call TTE's system and dictate these moments. You'll be able to keep your hands clear to take care of your baby, but not have to worry about forgetting these incredible moments. You'll then be able to wait for TTE to transcribe these moments and you'll receive a book-quality transcript back which you can place in your baby book, knowing that no part of these moments are forgotten.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Have You Written Your Letters of Love?

I love when my family gathers for Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays or just weekend get-togethers. Besides doing a lot of eating, my parents always talk about the "days of old" when they were kids, what they did for fun, what jobs they had growing up, what my grandparents were like when they were my age, and so on. All my grandparents passed before I was 20 years old, and we lived in a different state from them, so I cherish any stories that my parents can relay regarding my family history. Now that my mom is turning 79 this year, and my dad just turned 81, I worry about keeping those stories for my children.

About three months ago, my mom decided she was going to start writing down her thoughts, her memories of her childhood, what life was like living during WWII, the Cold War, what they were doing when JFK was assassinated, home-delivered dairy products and being the last family on the block to get a TV (black and white, mind you). She started writing this down on a notepad, but told me that many times she would remember a story while at the grocery store, or in line at a bank, or while driving in her car, and by the time she got back home, usually forgot what she had wanted to write down.

I suggested that she nix the pen and notepad and instead dial into TTE's dictation system. Now, when she has a thought or a memory that she wants to capture for her family's Legacy Journal, she picks up her cell phone and can immediately dictate her thoughts. TTE will keep the audio, compile all her recordings onto one CD or transcribe her thoughts from the audio recordings into a final legacy journal. What a wonderful way to share grandma's thoughts with my children and grandchildren - a CD with grandma's voice sharing her adventures, my history.

If you or your folks are getting on in years and you would like to preserve your most treasured memories, with your own voice, give TTE a call and we will get you started creating your Journals of Love.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Using Transcription in Documenting an Investigative Statement

Recently, Steven N. Malitz, attorney and partner at Arnstein & Lehr's Litigation Group, and David Zulawski, senior partner at Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, Inc. wrote a blog entitled "Taking and Documenting a Statement" for the General Counselor describing the best practices for taking and documenting a statement in investigative interrogation. Mr. Malitz and Mr. Zulawksi suggest, under the heading of "Types of Statements", that an investigative interrogator should record a witness's or suspect's statement and then have the recording transcribed and included in the file or case management system.

TTE specializes in transcribing recordings for the legal and investigative communities. Simply record the statement either by using a recording device or dialing directly into our dictation servers. If you use a recording device, just email the recording to us and we will transcribe the audio file into a publish-ready document and deliver it to your inbox. Should you choose to record directly into our dictation system, we will be notified of your recording and will transcribe the audio straight away and send the finished document to you via email.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

World's Top Ten Languages

Here are the top ten languages in the world, including native speakers and estimates of secondary speakers:

Mandarin Chinese (1.12 billion)
English (480 million)
Spanish (320 million)
Russian (285 million)
French (265 million)
Hindi/Urdu (250 million)
Arabic (221 million)
Portuguese (188 million)
Bengali (185 million)
Japanese (133 million)


TTE has the resources to translate and/or transcribe all of these and more!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Notable Meetings: Put Down the Pen!

One of our prospective clients recently commented to me that she has been after management for six years (yes, six years!) to have their weekly staff and sales meetings transcribed, as well as their online conference calls. She knows that notes have to be taken at the meeting, but finds it hard to participate if you are constantly looking down at your paper hurriedly jotting down all that is being said.

Folks, you've got to give up the pen! Rather, bring a digital recorder to the meeting so that you can participate fully. When the meeting is over, simply upload the recording to you computer and email it over to us to be transcribed. In a few short hours you'll have a professional quality document returned to your inbox in MS Word .doc format. All of your meeting notes in an easy-to-use document. It is that simple.

What if you are online holding a meeting? Simply hit the record button and then send the file over to us, or let us know where the file is and we will be glad to retrieve it and get started on your transcription.

And if you are on the telephone? Be sure that we are the first call you make before you bring other parties onboard. Just dial into our server, put in your access code, and the system will start recording. Now all you have to do is dial the other party/parties and just hold your meeting as normal. When you are finished, hang up and we will get started right away transcribing your call.

So, do you want to make the most out of you next meeting? Then put down the pen and participate! Record your meeting, send it to us, and we will do the rest.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Creating Great Audio Recordings

Soft or muffled voices, words mumbled or spoken quickly, people speaking at the same time, background noises. Things that occur over and over again in everyday conversation, many times when we aren't even aware of it. Yet in everyday face-to-face conversations and meetings the essence of what is being said can often be understood by the accompanying body language or written materials. Understanding can come in spite of challenges from voice projection, speech articulation or background noises because of contextual clues. With audio recordings, however, the opposite is true. The more difficulty with voice projection and articulation the speakers have, the faster someone talks, the more often people speak at the same time, the noisier the environment, the farther away someone is from the microphone - the less understandable the audio is since there are no contextual clues. To help ensure a successful dictation and transcription project and to achieve optimal audio recordings, TTE's CEO Terry Thompson offers the following six tips:

1. Pick a quiet area to record your meeting or conversation andminimize background noise.
2. Give all speakers individual microphones or use a Polycom unit with large group recordings. Individual recordings can be done with transitional phone handsets. For optimal recording, speakerphones should not be used, since they only clearly pickup the voices closest to the microphone.
3. Speak clearly and slowly.
4. Have only one speaker at a time. If several people are on the line at the same time, do not talk over each other.
5. If you are using a cell phone, you will get the best results speaking in a quiet room and not using the speaker function of your phone. Driving in a car while being recorded is not recommended; it is not only hazardous, but does not pick up well.
6. Send any company-specific terminology that might be used with your transcription request.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Committed to Achieving Work/Life Balance

I was sitting at the kitchen table yesterday with my sister-in-law talking about balancing work and family. She works part-time, is back in college at the tender age of 51, has two college-aged children, and is married to my brother (a job in itself!) I’ve run a transcription and translation business for the last 23 years, have a husband, two girls, six cats and two dogs. Whew, I get tired even thinking about it! It did get me thinking, though, what do I do to achieve balance in my work and home life?

First Priority: Take Care of Your Health

My first priority is taking care of my health. If you allow yourself to get rundown, poor health can have a detrimental affect on all other aspects of your work and family life. I’m a morning person, so I get up at least an hour before everybody else starts rolling out of their beds in the morning. This gives me time to have some quiet time, eat breakfast (the most important meal of the day), and get ready to do my exercises. Once my youngest daughter is picked up by the school bus, I’m off to the gym for some aerobics and weight training.

Second Priority: Maintain Boundaries

The next thing I try to do – and believe me, all of this is a constant work in progress – is I maintain boundaries. Even though I run my business out of my home, I’ve made sure I’ve dedicated a place just for work. When I first started my business, many moons ago, I had my office desk and PC in my bedroom. What a BAD move – I woke up in the morning, saw my computer and immediately sat down at my desk and started working – before breakfast, before showering or even brushing my teeth. Then, later in the evening, I would always seem to drift back to my desk “for just an hour or so” to get in a little work before going to bed. Trust me; the glow of the PC does not look like the soft glow a candle.

Third Priority: Stick to a schedule

Next, I stick to a schedule. Okay, this is probably the hardest for me since I work out of my home. I’ve found it’s very important to keep your work separate from your housework. In other words, taking 10 minutes here to throw in a load of laundry or 30 minutes there to vacuum the house eats up valuable work time. Block out whole segments of time to work and only work. If you need to fit in housework or errands, then block out that time beforehand and use only that amount of time that you’ve scheduled. You’ll be more productive and find you’ll get more done on both fronts.

Fourth Priority: Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

Learn to delegate! This was difficult for me to learn, but now I’m a pro. (Just ask Scott, my production supervisor.) It took me a couple years to be able to “let go” of certain tasks. For a long time I thought I was the only one who could possibly do a job, to completion, and with the quality that my business guaranteed. I’ve since learned to delegate and trust that others are fully capable to do the work, and care as much as I do about the business and our services. It has opened up all sorts of time for me to work on other things – like creating new services, networking, bringing in more business – and spending time with my family! In other words – quit “making the donuts.” Until you learn to let go of the production side of your business, you’ll never be able to grow your business.

Finally: Be Kind to Yourself

The last thing I do is to be kind to myself. I am one person and there’s only 24 hours in a day. If I don’t get to a particular task, I put it on the top of my list for the next day. I’m a list person, so keeping a to-do-list works well for me. I celebrate my accomplishments. When I check off a major task or project, I allow myself time to read a good book, take a hot bath, or go get ice cream with my kids. I also dedicate at least Sunday, if not Saturday and Sunday, to my home and family. NO WORK! This is something that I feel is so important, especially in this crazy, fast-paced world, to reconnect with your husband/wife and kids.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) and IdeaScribe: Speak What You See

Crime scene investigation is a daunting job; every bit of evidence at the crime scene can give clues to solving the case and catching the perpetrator. Naturally, you want to record your observations down on paper. However, focusing on your notebook and then looking up and refocusing on your crime scene may cause you to overlook a vital detail when you first come on the scene. We have a solution for you:

Speak your observations into your cellphone using our IdeaScribe service. IdeaScribe lets you tie in directly to our secure servers and record your observations without ever taking your eyes off of the scene. Once you have finished recording your observations, we will generate a highly accurate transcription of your recording and deliver it directly into your inbox in the format of a Word document. You can then cut and paste the information into your report or use the publication quality transcript by printing it out and attaching it. Case solved!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Skype It, Record It, Transcribe It

For the users of Skype, there is an easy way to get your telephone or video conversations recorded and transcribed. Prior to making a conference call on Skype, be sure to set up an account with us at TTE Transcripts. Then, dial our toll-free number first, key in your PIN, and you are ready to go. Just dial the other parties and let them know your conversation is being recorded. Our secure servers will record your call and then alert our staff that your file is ready to be transcribed. Once the transcription is complete, we will send you a MS Word .doc directly to your email. It is that easy to get a hard copy of your Skype conversation!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Documenting Webex and GoToMeeting Events Through Transcription

If you are hosting a Webex or GoToMeeting event, be sure to get a written record of your recorded event. By having your event transcribed, you have a detailed account of what was said. This will help you to avoid any misunderstandings between the participants and it will be much easier for you to find who said what at a particular point in the event.

When looking for a transcription service provider, make sure that they offer an accuracy guarantee of 99% or better. Avoid making your decision based on price alone, for often transcription companies offering bargain-basement pricing will source their work overseas and the quality is less than desirable. Other bargain-basement transcription companies use a pool of transcribers randomly from the internet. Be sure to ask if your transcription provider uses transcribers with degrees in language arts and if they have tested their capabilities thoroughly before assigning projects to them. Knowing who you are working with will save you a lot of heartache down the road.