Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Transcription: Making Neat Piles of Snow

Tom Freese, the best-selling author of "Secrets of Question Based Selling", makes a profound statement in his latest book, "Selling Yourself in Today's Competitive Marketplace":

We have essentially been ‘snow-globed.’ We’ve been turned upside down and shaken to the point where the tranquil scenes of our daily existence have been shrouded by a flurry of uncertainty that has suddenly clouded our view, and little pieces of reality now seem to be raining down in all directions.

What Tom is referring to is the state of our economy, which has put the business world in a tailspin and is affecting each and every one of us daily. It is driving each one of us to look at our jobs in a new light, putting our creative energy to use and taking the initiative to innovate in our respective fields and to streamline operations.

One of the ways many companies are choosing to streamline these days is to cut back on corporate travel and to hold meetings via conference calls and collaboration calls either over the telephone or on the web. While this presents a great cost savings over travel, it can inundate us with more information, creating even more flurries of snow flakes to cloud our view.

Keep the snow flakes in neat piles by transcribing your online events and conference calls. Just be sure to record your call and then send us the audio file. Or, make us one of the attendees and you can record the call directly to our servers. We will return a neatly typed transcript to your in-box so that you can track all of the details of what was said and keep the piles of your business neatly organized.

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