Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dictate Life-Changing Moments

Last weekend, I was over at my friend's house to celebrate her son's second birthday. Besides the little boy, she also has two girls, one being a one-month old newborn. I sat there watching the children running around and playing and the newborn sleeping in someone's arms. I am expecting my first child this winter. I got to thinking about the baby books that we have the best intention of keeping to record those precious moments. With all the chaos going on around me, I would be shocked if my friend told me she was able to record all those moments into baby books, especially having to record two books at the same time.

As new parents, we always have the best intentions to record those important life-changing moments. However, being able to sit down and remember to write down these moments is not always the easiest thing to do, especially with a newborn baby in tow. Instead of attempting to write these moments down, call TTE's system and dictate these moments. You'll be able to keep your hands clear to take care of your baby, but not have to worry about forgetting these incredible moments. You'll then be able to wait for TTE to transcribe these moments and you'll receive a book-quality transcript back which you can place in your baby book, knowing that no part of these moments are forgotten.

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