Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Notable Meetings: Put Down the Pen!

One of our prospective clients recently commented to me that she has been after management for six years (yes, six years!) to have their weekly staff and sales meetings transcribed, as well as their online conference calls. She knows that notes have to be taken at the meeting, but finds it hard to participate if you are constantly looking down at your paper hurriedly jotting down all that is being said.

Folks, you've got to give up the pen! Rather, bring a digital recorder to the meeting so that you can participate fully. When the meeting is over, simply upload the recording to you computer and email it over to us to be transcribed. In a few short hours you'll have a professional quality document returned to your inbox in MS Word .doc format. All of your meeting notes in an easy-to-use document. It is that simple.

What if you are online holding a meeting? Simply hit the record button and then send the file over to us, or let us know where the file is and we will be glad to retrieve it and get started on your transcription.

And if you are on the telephone? Be sure that we are the first call you make before you bring other parties onboard. Just dial into our server, put in your access code, and the system will start recording. Now all you have to do is dial the other party/parties and just hold your meeting as normal. When you are finished, hang up and we will get started right away transcribing your call.

So, do you want to make the most out of you next meeting? Then put down the pen and participate! Record your meeting, send it to us, and we will do the rest.

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