Friday, April 30, 2010

The Power of Transcription: Making Your Past Speeches Work for You

So, you have given many, many speeches and you have all these recordings stored on CD's or taking up space on your hard drive. How can they benefit you now?

You can put your speeches to good use by having them transcribed. Transcription not only allows you to have a written record of your presentation, but gives you the flexibility of editing redundant information or mistakes. Once you have edited the content in the transcript, you can copy the information and publish it as an e-book or a white paper. You can even make it a part of an online curriculum. Best of all, you can charge for your publication and create an additional revenue stream.

If you have given a number of speeches on various topics, you can publish the transcripts on your website as a bonus to event attendees who want more in-depth information or would like to read your thoughts on other matters. These readers may then quote you directly (and accurately), straight from your transcript, giving you even more exposure and a larger audience. As your popularity grows, so will your number of invitations to speak in other venues, and your business will continue to grow too.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Special Delivery: How to Get Your Audio to Us

Have you ever wondered how to transfer your audio files to us? Many times we are asked how to best deliver audio files to us for transcription and if we can accept uploads or email attachments. The good news is: we can accept both, plus we have additional options for you.

Email Attachments:
If you have a small audio file, say around 5MB, you can attach it to an email and send it to our operations department at Be sure to include your contact information, a descriptive title for your audio, and the turnaround time you are seeking. Your email and the attached audio file will be sent to our entire operations staff to ensure that your request receives timely attention.

File Uploads:
Any audio file you have can be uploaded to us via our ftp website. Just point your browser to and fill out the convenient form. Click on the "Choose File" button to locate your stored audio file and select the file you wish to upload. Once the form is completed, just click submit and your file is on it's way to us. Our system will automatically notify the operations manager that your file has been uploaded.

Direct Dictation:
You can have our digital dictation system record your conversation, meeting, conference or blog updates by dialing directly into our servers. Just add us as one of your participants in your conference call or dial our number from your conference phone or cell phone, enter your customer pin number and our system will immediately start recording your call. Once you release the call, our system will store your audio and submit it to our operations crew for transcription. We will complete your transcript within the turnaround time you set when you create your account. You can change your turnaround for any audio file by submitting an email to us at

Snail Mail:
Do you have audio stored on dictation or regular cassette tapes? Just place them in an envelope and send them to our Huntley, IL office. Our mailing address is:
TTE Transcripts Worldwide
10317 Fair Lane
Huntley, IL 60142

If these solutions do not meet your specific audio file delivery needs, be sure to contact us at 847-592-6211. We have a solution for you.