Friday, October 2, 2009

Parents: Kids and the Swine Flu, Your Job Need Not Suffer Too

According to a recent AP article on swine flu school closings, more than 187 school dismissals have been related to the H1N1 swine flu, affecting almost 80,000 students. 80,000 students staying home means many parents having to stay at home from work. Staying home from work might mean missing that critical meeting or sales call.

Alas, all is not lost: with a plethora of technologies like web meetings and phone conferencing available to you, now you can keep those meetings on your schedule and stay on top of your job. And to make things even easier for you, do not worry about taking notes during your meeting. Just send the recorded audio to TTE and we will have a professional, publication-ready transcript in MS Word format sent directly to your in-box. You can then cut and paste the information to your heart's desire and put it in a report that will keep your boss happy, while retaining the original transcript in your records.

So, relax and stay home with your kids and don't let the swine flu get the best of you, or your job. Use technology to your benefit by conferencing in your meeting participants and having the audio transcribed by TTE.

(image credit: