Friday, July 24, 2009

Using Transcription in Documenting an Investigative Statement

Recently, Steven N. Malitz, attorney and partner at Arnstein & Lehr's Litigation Group, and David Zulawski, senior partner at Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, Inc. wrote a blog entitled "Taking and Documenting a Statement" for the General Counselor describing the best practices for taking and documenting a statement in investigative interrogation. Mr. Malitz and Mr. Zulawksi suggest, under the heading of "Types of Statements", that an investigative interrogator should record a witness's or suspect's statement and then have the recording transcribed and included in the file or case management system.

TTE specializes in transcribing recordings for the legal and investigative communities. Simply record the statement either by using a recording device or dialing directly into our dictation servers. If you use a recording device, just email the recording to us and we will transcribe the audio file into a publish-ready document and deliver it to your inbox. Should you choose to record directly into our dictation system, we will be notified of your recording and will transcribe the audio straight away and send the finished document to you via email.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

World's Top Ten Languages

Here are the top ten languages in the world, including native speakers and estimates of secondary speakers:

Mandarin Chinese (1.12 billion)
English (480 million)
Spanish (320 million)
Russian (285 million)
French (265 million)
Hindi/Urdu (250 million)
Arabic (221 million)
Portuguese (188 million)
Bengali (185 million)
Japanese (133 million)


TTE has the resources to translate and/or transcribe all of these and more!